Sophie Darlington

Sophie is a BAFTA and multi award winning natural history filmmaker and Director of Photography who has been making wildlife feature films and television for more than 30 years. Her work is known for its empathetic use of light, deep knowledge of behaviour and composition that reflects and underscores a subject’s journey throughout the story.

Select Credits

Dynasties, Lion. || TV Documentary || dir: Simon Blakeney || BBC One
GTC Award for Excellence 2019
Our Planet || TV Documentary || dir: Mandi Stark || Netflix
Emmy Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction series – 2019
Wildscreen Dolby Outstanding Cinematography Award 2020
Penguin || Feature || dir: Jeff Wilson || Disney Nature
The Hunt || TV Documentary || dir: Huw Cordey || BBC One
Photography Factual, BAFTA Craft 2016
Best Cinematography, Wildscreen 2016
GTC Award for Excellence 2016

Queens || TV Documentary || dir: Victoria Bromley/Jess Tombs || National Geographic

Lion trapped by Clan of Hyenas. Dynasties. BBC
